Professor Hiroaki Imai (A03, Keio Univ.) And Dr. Yuya Oaki (A03, Keio Univ.) Have published an outstanding review on the bio-inspired synthesis of inorganic crystals through molecular control in polymers (Kobunshi, in Japanese).
“Bio-inspired synthesis of inorganic crystals: molecular control of crystal growth,
Kobunshi 2013, 62 (2), 79-81 “.
Link to summary (February 6, 2013)
Professor Hiroaki Imai (A03, Keio Univ.), Dr. Yuya Oaki (A03, Keio Univ.) And their co-workers have published a paper on the synthesis and morphogenesis of polymeric materials through the formation of fusion materials in Chemistry-A European Journal. . The related illustration is published as a back cover of the issue.
“Synthesis and morphogenesis of organic and inorganic polymers by means of biominerals and biomimetic materials,
Chemistry-A European Journal 2013, 19, 2284-2293 “.
Link to summary
(February 6, 2013)
Professor Kazunori Matsuura (A01, Tottori University) and his co-workers have published a paper on binding of guests to self-assembled peptide nanocapsules from viral peptides in Polymer Journal.
“Host-binding behavior of self-assembled peptide nanocapsules from viral peptide fragments”,
K. Matsuura, K. Watanabe, Y. Matsushita, N. Kimizuka,
Polymer J., [DOI: 10.1038 / pj.2012.235].
Link to summary (February 6, 2013)
January 25, 2013. Work on “Guest binding to self-assembled peptide nanocapsules from viral peptides” by Professor Kazunori Matsuura (A01, Tottori Univ.) And co-worker is featured on Mynavi News and Yahoo News.
Link to Mynavi news
Link to Yahoo News
(February 6, 2013)
February 6, 2013. Work on “Guest binding to self-assembled peptide nanocapsules from viral peptides” by Professor Kazunori Matsuura (A01, Tottori Univ.) And co-worker is presented at Nihonkai Shimbun.
Link to Nihonkai Shimbun (February 6, 2013)
December 14, 2012. Suzuka Matsumoto (A02, Osaka Univ., Student in Professor Aoshima’s group) received the IPC2012 Young Scientist Poster Award at the 9th International Polymers Conference. Her presentation title was “Precise synthesis of alternate copolymers by controlled cationic polymerization of aldehyde and vinyl ether: dual response polymer with temperature sensitivity and selective acid degradability”. (February 4, 2013)
The 6th Fusion Materials Symposium will take place on January 28, 2013, at TKP GardenCity Sendai Hall B (AER 21F Smart Office Building), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. Check here the registration and details. (December 17, 2012)
Professor Atsushi Yoshizawa (A01, Hirosaki University) and his co-worker have published a paper on the molecular design of U-shaped oligomers that stabilize blue phases in Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1, 315-320 (2013 ).
(December 10, 2012)
November 29, 2012. Takatoshi Kasukabe (A03, Tohoku Univ., Student in Prof. Nishihara’s group) received the Poster Presentation Award at the Japan Carbon Conference. The presentation mosaic was “Introduction of the inclusion complex of cyclic porphyrin dimer and C60 in 1D nanopores”. (December 5, 2012)